Union Benefits

Union Benefits

DC #35 Health Benefit Fund: Active and Retiree Plan

Freedom to go where you choose in our network without referrals!

Claim Payments

For detailed information about claim payments, please call the Fund Office.

Please have the member’s name, Social security or Unique Identifying Number, and date of birth when you call.

Fund Office
8 a.m. – 4 p.m. weekdays
617.524.1240 |

Health + Wellness

Important information to help you manage your health:

Healthy Rewards®
Enter “DC35” in the group sign-in box


CareAllies Utilization Review

Employee Assistance Program

Davis Vision

Delta Dental

Retiring Soon?

Learn about your annuity and pension plans

How Your Annuity Plan Works

How Your Pension Plan Works

Find a Network Provider

CareLink Medical Provider Directory
Includes Behavioral Health Providers outside MA/RI

CareLink MA/RI Behavioral Health Provider Directory
Choose “Doctors by Specialty” and then “Behavioral Health”

Additional Benefits: Cardinal Financial

DC 35 Opening Letter

Mortgage Assistance

Retiree Home Buying


Contact Us

Painters & Allied Trades DC #35 Health Plan

25 Colgate Road, Suite 204  |  Roslindale, MA 02131
617.524.1240 or 800.799.1240  |  Fax 617.524.3557

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