Union Resources
Union Resources
Important information for DC 35 members.

Local 48
2nd Tuesday 7:00 PM
PNI Club
290 Millbury Street, Worcester
Alexander Cruz / Financial Sec. (508) 405-5316
David Mastroianni / President (508) 579-4029
Local 257
4th Wednesday 7:00 PM
33 Eastland Street, Springfield
Jessica Shanti / Financial Sec. (413) 214-1747
Brian Getty /President (413) 636-6471
Local 391
1st Monday 7:00 PM
25 Colgate Road
Paul Hadzipanajotis / Financial Secretary (508) 930-9916
Joseph Bechard /President (508) 930-9916
Local 402
4th Wednesday 6:00 PM
East Boston Yacht Club
0 Rice Street, East Boston
Local 577
3rd Tuesday 6:00 PM
Knights of Columbus
545 Medford Street, Charlestown
Lisa Pucillo / Financial Secretary (781) 706-2520
Timothy Traynor / President (617) 406-8065
Local 691
1st Thursday 7:00 PM
Centro Luzo American Club
34 Beetle Street, New Bedford
Jennifer Dillon / Financial Secretary (774) 930-4057
Timothy Charbonneau / President (508) 287-8635
Local 939
4th Tuesday 6:00 PM
25 Colgate Road
Kathleen Santora / Financial Secretary (781) 632-1182
Dominic Barese / President (617) 785-1721
Local 1044
2nd Monday 5:00 PM
25 Colgate Road
John Granada / Financial Secretary (781) 354-6545
Brian Montgomery / President (781) 389-5397
Local 1138
2nd Tuesday 6:00 PM
McKeon Post
4 Hill Top Street, Dorchester
Franklin Tejeda / Financial Secretary (617) 712-6822
William Kunz / President (617) 320-7031
Local 1280
2nd Wednesday 6:00 PM
American Legion
61 Lucia Avenue, Revere
Nicholas Cortina / Financial Secretary (603) 459-3113
Ryan Colon / President (978) 885-0470
Local 1887
Last Tuesday 6:00 PM
34 Commercial Dr.
Brentwood, NH
Joel Begin / Financial Secretary (978) 994-6366
Phillip Leary / President (603) 930-3560
Local 1911
2nd Monday 7:15 PM
Lincoln Hancock School
325 Water Street, Quincy
Local 1911
362 West Street
Stoughton, MA 02072
Local 1915
Last Thursday 4:30 PM
Southern Maine Fish 7 Game
30 Martin Road, Kittery ME
Local 1915
PO Box 32
Kittery, ME 03904
Local 1952
1st Sunday 10:00 AM
25 Colgate Road
Local 1952
P.O. Box 320555
West Roxbury, MA 02132
PNI Club
290 Millbury Street, Worcester
David Mastroianni / President (508) 579-4029
33 Eastland Street, Springfield
Brian Getty /President (413) 636-6471
25 Colgate Road
Joseph Bechard /President (508) 930-9916
East Boston Yacht Club
0 Rice Street, East Boston
Knights of Columbus
545 Medford Street, Charlestown
Timothy Traynor / President (617) 406-8065
Centro Luzo American Club
34 Beetle Street, New Bedford
Timothy Charbonneau / President (508) 287-8635
25 Colgate Road
Dominic Barese / President (617) 785-1721
25 Colgate Road
Brian Montgomery / President (781) 389-5397
McKeon Post
4 Hill Top Street, Dorchester
William Kunz / President (617) 320-7031
American Legion
61 Lucia Avenue, Revere
Ryan Colon / President (978) 885-0470
34 Commercial Dr.
Brentwood, NH
Phillip Leary / President (603) 930-3560
Lincoln Hancock School
325 Water Street, Quincy
362 West Street
Stoughton, MA 02072
Southern Maine Fish 7 Game
30 Martin Road, Kittery ME
PO Box 32
Kittery, ME 03904
25 Colgate Road
P.O. Box 320555
West Roxbury, MA 02132
DC #35 offices
District Council #35
25 Colgate Road
Roslindale, MA 02131
617-522-0520 (Phone)
617-524-0716 (Fax)
District Council #35
26b Market St,
Lowell, MA 01852
District Council #35
560 Pleasant St.
New Bedford, MA 02740
District Council #35
33 Eastland Street
Springfield, MA 01109
District Council #35
34 Commercial Drive
Brentwood, NH 03833
603-693-1000 (Phone)
603-693-1001 (Fax)
District Council #35
25 Colgate Road
Roslindale, MA 02131
617-524-0716 (Fax)
District Council #35
26b Market St,
Lowell, MA 01852
District Council #35
560 Pleasant St.
New Bedford, MA 02740
District Council #35
33 Eastland Street
Springfield, MA 01109
District Council #35
34 Commercial Drive
Brentwood, NH 03833
603-693-1001 (Fax)