Ray Pickup
Business Representative 617-840-9742
The original idea is great, but it’s the follow through that really matters. Our council has made a commitment and we are not about to take this opportunity for granted. Our entire staff understands that grassroots organizing starts within a community. Our message of apprenticeships, livable wages, and family sustaining benefits has been broadcasted throughout the Merrimack Valley.
UTEC and SISU touring our Brentwood Facility.
On May 21, 2018 our Council took the first significant step to creating a pathway to a prosperous career for the residents of the Greater Lowell and Merrimack Valley Region. This major milestone was the official opening of our Lowell office located at 26 Market St., centrally located in downtown Lowell. The interest that has been generated in the short time we’ve been there is incredible. We have hosted meetings with local politicians, community organizations, youth development groups, and dozens of walk-in’s off the street just checking us out. It’s only been a few months, but they’ve been packed with excitement.
Instructor Jim Sullivan explaining industrial painting to UTEC students.
In June, FTI was gracious enough to host SISU Lawrence and UTEC Lowell at our training facility in Brentwood, NH. Instructors Jim Sullivan and Paul Hunnefeld, along with the apprentices, were able to give hands-on demonstrations to a group of 75 students. Demonstrations included wall coverings, painting, and drywall finishing, as well as a tour of the blast chamber. These tours and speaking engagements are instrumental in getting our message out.
Instructor Paul Hunnefeld demonstrating wall covering applications.
Already, our community outreach in Lowell has produced our first apprentice. Business Representative Chris Brennan secured a painting position with the City of Lowell for a UTEC student. Our council, as well as the City of Lowell, couldn’t be more excited about the potential of this program. This is the first of many opportunities to come for the residents of the Greater Lowell area.
UTEC and SISU touring our Brentwood Facility.
Our next pipeline partnership is with Greater Lowell Technical High School. GLT has over 2,100 students with a majority enrolled in a trade program. GLT already has a painting and wall covering program and we are discussing adding the glazing trade to the curriculum. GLT currently has five apprentices in our apprentice program, four glaziers and one painter. They were all enrolled in our apprentice program before we started discussions with GLT. As our first class, we will be encouraging these students to share their experiences with upcoming classes at GLT.
The future is bright and DC35 is leading the way as we make our mark on the great City of Lowell
Newly elected officers of Local 1044.